9923747047 drdeshmukhsushil@gmail.com

Laparoscopic Surgeon

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is better than open surgery because it is a modern technique in which operation is performed through a very small incision. The tool used in this surgery is also called a laparoscope. At the end of the laparoscope, there is a high definition video camera and light which is inserted through small incisions to see a wide view of the affected organ. Sometimes more than one incision is required for the surgery then the required tool is inserted to perform surgery. This instrument is flexible so does not require a large incision. Dr. Sushil Deshmukh had done hundreds of laparoscopic surgeries in Pune. He is a renowned and expert laparoscopic surgeon in Pune, PCMC, and India.

Laparoscopy is also used to diagnose many health conditions, diagnostic procedures, tubal legations, and many other treatments for certain conditions.

Dr. Sushil performs laparoscopic surgery in Pune which is used to treat folwing disease:

  • Infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • Tumor or ovarian cyst
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Adhesions
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Fibroids, Ovarian cysts


The benefits of laparoscopy when compared to open surgery.

  • less pain
  • faster recovery
  • smaller incisions
  • Infection risk is less


The risks of laparoscopy include:

  • infection
  • adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • blood clots

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